Treasure Hunt in Jaigharh Fort

Most of us know Mughal Emperor Akbar and his navaratnas (nine gems). One of them was Raja Man Singh I, General of Akbar. Raja Man Singh I was a fearless warrior and that is why Akbar made a deal with him that Raja would fight and annex other kingdoms and they will all merge with Mughal Dynasty. In response to that, Raja will get all the treasury from that captured kingdom. 

Once Raja was sent to Afghanistan to fight with Head of Kabiras. The main intention behind going to Afghanistan was to take revenge of Birbal's death by killing one of the Sardars, Yusuf Zaif who was involved in killing of Birbal. 

Raja went to Afghanistan, had fight with different sardars and at the end also killed Yusuf Zaif and took the revenge of Birbal's death. Raja found tones of gold (treasury) there. He returned back to India but didn't told Akbar about the wealth he got there. He hid all those gems and jewels in water tanks of Amer Fort, Amber which he built in the year 1599. 

No on got to know about the treasury for many years. The first mention of this kind of treasury is found in the Arabic book - Haft Tilismat-e-Amberi. Some Mughal rulers got to know about this and even the Britishers but they didn't found anything.

After India got independence (1947), in 1971-72, India participated in Bangladesh Liberation war which resulted in formation of a new country i.e. Bangladesh. But as a result, Indian government spent a lot of money which led to increase in unemployment, increased prices of goods and other problems.  People went against the then Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi. In 1975, 25 June, Indira Gandhi declared the state of emergency across nation. 

In June 1976, Indira government decided to go and search for the treasure in Jaigarh fort. Sanjay Gandhi played an important role in this project. 

Jaigarh fort was located in Amber, Rajasthan. The queen of Royal family of Rajasthan - Maharani Gayatri Devi was not having good relations with Indira Gandhi. She fought the Lok Sabha elections three times and defeated the Indian National Congress in all three pols. During the emergency she was arrested in the offence of illegally storing foreign currency. This made it easy for the then government to go to Jaigarh fort.

In June 1976, Income tax raid was made in Jaigarh fort. Some police officers and army officials reached there along with Income-Tax officers. The fort was seized by the officials within the radius  of 2-2.5 km. After few days, people got to know that something fishy is going on. Whenever any helicopter used to land their or any eminent personality like Sanjay Gandhi used to visit the site, people used to think that government has found the treasure.

A question arises that if the treasure was hidden in Amer Fort by Raja Man Singh, then why government of India was searching it in Jaigarh Fort? It is said that the Jaigarh fort which was built by Raja Jai Singh II to protect the Amer Fort and there was a tunnel in it which used to connect Jaigarh fort to Amer Fort and government of India is searching treasure in Amer Fort through that tunnel.

Slowly, this story/rumor started spreading outside Jaipur to New Delhi and to Pakistan as well despite media was banned. It is still a mystery how this news reached to the neighbors. The then Prime Minister of Pakistan, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto wrote a letter to Indira Gandhi. The letter read - 'We have heard that you are in search for treasure. If it's found please give Pakistan it's part'. How was Pakistan involved in this? There was an agreement that if any treasure was found after 1947 which was of before independence, it should be equally divided between both the countries. This letter was leaked from the Pakistan's side and now this news reached international level. Different countries got to know about this but Indira Gandhi neither clarified anything nor gave any reply to Pakistan.

Finally in November 1976, after 5 months from starting off the project, Indira Gandhi called off this excavation. She wrote a letter of Pakistan saying that Indian government has consulted it's legal team and Pakistan has no right on that treasure. Still, we have not found the treasure and it would not be beneficial to talk about this topic. After this, Indira Gandhi announced in public that no treasure was found in the Jaigarh fort but accepted that 200-250kg of silver was found.

Some people didn't believed the fact that treasure was not found because the very next day of this announcement, Delhi-Jaipur highway was blocked and only Army trucks were allowed to pass from there. Government didn't mentioned any kind of reason to block the highway. 

  • It is said that treasure was found and army trucks were carrying all those golds. After reaching Delhi, they were transferred to Switzerland through airplanes from Delhi Airport.
  • Another story is that the treasure was not found and all those trucks were empty and just returning back to Delhi. There was no official statement to block the highway that is why government didn't said anything.
Today it is still a mystery, where the treasure is. What do you think? Did government found that treasure or not?

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